How Not to Stress Eat Your Way Thru This Crazy Time
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For those of us who struggle with food (stress eating, anyone?) these uncertain times can feel especially challenging.

We don’t wanna eat our way through it.  

We don't wanna give it more power than it deserves.

We don’t wanna wake up several months from now and realize we've been grazing non-stop.

How do we SHOW UP rather than give in?

Here are some empowering steps to take:

Be Aware of Possible Pitfalls:

  • Putting yourself and your future on hold - "I'll get back on track after things settle down" will not work well. Decide right now not to do this. You won't like it if you do.

  • Isolation & boredom - We already know this is a bad combo. It's a recipe for mindless grazing, which leads to all kinds of negative feelings and consequences.

So, let's turn this crazy time on its head and use it to our advantage...

Look for & Leverage Possible Benefits:

  • More Opportunity - to do things you don't normally get to do: finish that project, start or finish an online course, take online dance lessons, plant an herb garden. These crazy cancellations and schedule changes can work in our favor.

Ask yourself: What would I enjoy doing, or learning, or exploring?

  • More Time - for the things that haven't been cancelled: family, pets, getting outdoors, reading a good book, enjoying music, calling folks who live far away, game nights, a slow meal with a few good friends.

Ask yourself: What have I wished I had more time to enjoy?

  • More Care - especially if you're cloistered at home. When a new day dawns, wash your sweet face, get dressed, straighten a thing or two - even if no one sees but you. Sure, pajamas feel good at 10 a.m. but by 3 o'clock I just feel depressed.

Ask yourself: What makes me feel put together and ready for anything?

  • More Mindfulness & Support - It may sound counter-intuitive but unfamiliar situations can have an upside. The newness can give us the jolt we need to step out of old patterns. Let this unusual time be a cue to slow down and show up when you eat.

    And, unexpected situations can bring us together in new ways. Our Liberated Eating Community is spending extra time together (via video conferencing) right now, keeping each other strong and encouraged. If you need a safe place to heal your relationship with food, come join us! It would be an honor to walk with you.


Don't wait...

Jot down a short list of things you'd love to see happen. Then map out a few specific steps to move things in that direction.

Take a quiet moment for yourself. Breathe. Think through how you wanna feel when this is all over.

Do not let this unusual time hi-jack you.

It doesn't have to.

Plan right now to take charge of it instead of it taking charge of you.

If you need some help, just holler. Helping you get to where you wanna go is my very favorite thing!


*Thank you Nathan Bingle on Upsplash for this wonderful photograph!