3 Things NOT TO SAY to Yourself Over the Holidays

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Let’s talk about leftovers...

Not cold mashed potatoes, but stale old beliefs that get us in big trouble if we’re not aware of them. These dangerous diet mantras, leftover from decades of restriction, not only don’t work - they have caused great harm.

Let’s take a look at three misguided beliefs that have led to many of our unwanted pounds and food anxiety.

You’ll recognize them:

1.     “I’ve been bad today.”

2.     “I blew it … so I might as well...”

3.     “I’ll just start again in January.”


You are too dear, too smart and too valuable to fall prey to these false statements anymore.

When we understand them for what they are, these myths do not have the power to pull us back into the old disorienting vortex of deprivation, shame, and compulsive overeating. We are free!

Let’s remind ourselves why they can’t work…

1.     “I’ve been bad today.”   [which translates “I am bad today.”]

This statement gives food false power over us by making it a moral issue.

It is not.

You are not a bad person for eating a cookie or a good person for eating a salad.

How you eat may make you feel good or bad, but it doesn’t say anything about your character.

Don’t miss how important this is. Understanding this correctly takes the shame out of your food choices. This allows you to relax and be the sane, balanced person you naturally are.

2.     “I blew it …so… I might as well eat it all.”  

This felt “true” back in our all-or-nothing, perfectionistic dieting days but now we can see how utterly insane it was.

It makes as much sense as believing if you get a scratch on your car, you’ve got to go drive the whole thing off a cliff. 

Crazy, right ?!

3.     “I’ll start again in January.”  

This thought feels good at first (because it’s giving up and giving in) but always ends in regret and disappointment.

I did this for thirty years and all I ever got was more miserable. How much ground did I lose while I was eating recklessly and mindlessly for months? Did I really believe I would suddenly, miraculously become a rigid food-rule-follower come January?  

This kind of put-my-real-life-and-dreams-on-hold mentality devalues us, our amazing bodies and our emotional health.

There’s a balanced and beautiful food-life waiting for each one of us…

and we can start making it happen right now.

 If you hear these leftover diet-lies whispering in your ear - please don’t listen, or store them away in Tupperware. Put these three thoughts right down the garbage disposal and be done with them!

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Let us know what you’re thinking…


So, we’ve just looked at what NOT TO DO. Next week we’ll look at the flip-side - some empowering “TO DO’s” so we can fully enjoy and embrace this special time of year.

Thank you, Bernard Hermant, for the big emoji :)