5 Reasons Mindful Eating Is More Powerful Than It Sounds


Many of us didn’t grow up with words like mindfulness or intuitiveness so they can feel unfamiliar. Thankfully that’s changing.

Still, a lot of people tell me that they’re afraid that mindful eating will lack the power to change anything for them … and besides, they say, it sounds dull.

They think they’ll be giving something fun up if they eat this way.

 So let’s start by taking a look at what Mindful Eating is NOT:

  • It’s not eating in slow motion like a sloth

  • It doesn’t mean you can never ever do anything but eat when you eat

  • It’s not about counting 30 chews per bite (barf!)

  • It’s not about eating only whole foods

  • It doesn’t mean you have to become a Zen master, which I understand takes a very long time

 Mindful Eating IS about having:

  1. A deep down, satisfying pleasurable experience

  2. A rejuvenating mini-vacation for your body and brain, several times a day

  3. The freedom to choose food you truly enjoy – and the peace and confidence to enjoy a sane amount

  4. A practice that can help you enjoy a consistent comfortable weight (rather than losing and regaining the same old weight)

  5. Confidence. Its effectiveness is proven again and again by researchers and, more importantly, by real people with real lives

Does this sound boring to you?!

This is eating at its very best – it’s exciting and peaceful at the same time.

Hmmm, that just might be the confusion…

Peaceful is not the same thing as boring.

I could go on and on enthusiastically because this way of living with food literally freed me from a thirty year imprisonment. That’s why I call it liberated eating.

I was enslaved by two masters: restriction (too little) and compulsion (too much) – with a whole lot of angst banging around between them.

The relief and joy of my liberation never leaves me. Its why I love coaching so much, and hanging out in our amazing Community of other liberated eaters everyday.

You can step away from relentless dieting.

You learn how to trust yourself around desert.

You can come to honor your own body’s innate wisdom again.

I know, I know – that can sound scary, but don’t worry about the lack of rigid food-rules. Our freedom is not an excuse for indulgence, which always takes more than it gives.

Liberated eating is rooted in wisdom and respect, which always give back more than they require.

WOW! There’s certainly nothing boring about that!


Cindy Landham