Are You “Playing It Safe” Till You Lose Weight? 2 Things to Know…


As dieters we’re often, consciously or unconsciously, waiting to live.

 We’re putting our lives on Pause until we reach some magic goal weight.

 Problem is, there are serious unintended consequences to this.

For starters, putting our true selves “on hold” inadvertently sets us up to stay stuck where we are.

It creates such a vacuum, a soul hunger, that it practically forces us to fill it with lesser and more convenient substitutes.

The very thing we do not want to do (turn to food) becomes the very thing we feel compelled to do.


And doesn’t this make sense?

If we’re not stepping into the fullest version of the life we’re made for – no wonder we want to go eat cookies!

Understanding this is a fundamental piece of any Liberated Eater’s journey.

We dare to begin to step out and LIVE.

And as life becomes more satisfying – then - late night eating, plate cleaning, and drive-thru’s lose much of their pull.

So please…

Be you now.

Not in some distant thinner future.

When we start believing we deserve to fully enjoy living right now, we open the door to creating, connecting, and cultivating the interesting life we hunger for. We won’t need to sit on the couch with a pint of Ben & Jerry’s nearly as often.

In fact, (here’s another irony of this amazing path we’ve chosen) when we start living from our true core, the other stuff (like eating less) naturally begins to fall into place.

This begs the question…

Are you playing it safe?


What might you be doing differently if you weighed less right now?

Looking people in the eye more often?

Enjoying dance lessons or a writer’s group?

Walking with a more confident pep in your step?

Wearing clothes you enjoy?

If so, you need to know two things:

1.    You will never deserve those things more than you do right now.

2.    You will not be a different person when you weigh less.

 Here’s a very interesting thing.

 As a coach, I’m always around people who have reached goals – and yes, of course they feel good!


It may surprise you to know that I often hear, “You know, I’m proud of the changes I’ve made. I feel so much better! But to be honest, I kinda thought I would feel like someone else when I reached my goals. I’m still me.”

 As we explore this further there is often a poignant discovery:

You were worthy all along…

worthy of living big,

worthy of truly loving yourself and your one amazing life

just as you are.


So, here’s my challenge to you, Beautiful Soul. If you’ve been waiting to live big, try this 2X2 Exercise:

      I.  Write the 2 big points above on a card and begin to internalize them.

    II.  Identify 2 things you’ve been waiting to enjoy and make them happen - pronto.


And please, DM me when you do. I want to celebrate with you!  



Cindy Landham