If Food's Your Big Struggle, Here's Your First Question


When we’re struggling with our food'-life, it’s the prime time to ask some important questions.

In our diet culture we often ask something like,“What kind of diet should I go on? Keto? Vegan? Low carb? Intermittent fasting?

But please don’t ask that one.

So how about, “How much should I exercise?” or “What kind of supplement should I take?”

Please don’t ask these either. These may or may not be useful questions at some point, but they’re never helpful to start with.

So, “What about a cleanse or a fast, to kick things off?

No. And no again.

Here’s the thing…

When it comes to resolving food issues , you don’t need to start with food. You start with knowing what you want.

So your first big questions is:

How do I want to feel?

Sit with this for a while…

When you know where you’re going, it’s a lot easier to get there.

Use your imagination as you think it through…

How do I want to feel in my body?

In my mind?

How do I want to feel as I go through my day?

And please don't picture some magic number on your bathroom scale. We know by now, that tired old goal won’t get us there, or keep us there.

So put your ear down to your own beautiful heart and ask yourself how. you. want. to. feel. every. day.

Then say it in one simple sentence. For instance, I wanna feel energetic, agile and strong enough to enjoy kayaking and playing all day with my granddaughters.

How do you wanna feel?

 Once that’s clear to you, a second question naturally appears:

What’s it gonna take for me to feel this way?”

Those of us who’ve struggled with food and weight for years often struggle with confidence too - but the truth is - you know your answer. You still have the innate body-wisdom you were born with.

Dare to trust yourself.

This is the soul and substance of the liberated eater’s journey.

Listening again.

Trusting again.

Discovering what you want and what it’s gonna take to get there…

  • What kind of eating?

  • What kind of sleeping?

  • What kind of moving?

  • What kind of thinking?

What kind of lifestyle practices will give me the life I want?

All these things are pretty easy to discover once you answer those first important questions.

Then walking it out, together with others who are also on this path and who are cheering you on, one freeing step at a time.

If you want some help with your questions or answers, let’s talk! There’s nothing I enjoy more than helping people get clear on what they want and how to get there.

You can have the life you want. You don’t have to settle for less.

 Thanks to Dean Moriarty for the photo that makes we want to travel.

Cindy Landham