Emotional Eating, Anyone? Here’s a Hack


Do you ever turn off the news and immediately want to drive thru Krispy Kreme and order one of everything?

 Or get irritated with someone and want to dig into your secret chocolate stash to calm down?

 Or munch mindlessly on that loaf of zucchini bread on the kitchen counter, because you’re bored, sad or lonely?

Me too.

When emotions are running high it’s super-tempting to avoid, numb, or stuff them down with food.

It feels like such relief!

Until it doesn’t.

We all know the misery of adding a big dose of regret on top of the original uncomfortable feelings.

But here’s the thing. We’re wise to this now. We know this old default isn’t working. So let’s change things.

Wanna hear about a proven strategy?

Here’s a trick that’s so simple, it would be easy not to take it seriously. HOWEVER, those who do take it seriously find that it’s practically magic.

Try this.

 When the urge to eat your feelings pops up…

 1.  TAKE 5:   Set your timer for 5 minutes.

 Don’t roll your eyes. I’m serious. Just try it.

 Tell yourself that you can come back and eat if you want to, but you’re gonna TAKE 5 first.

 2.  Now: Distract yourself.

  •  go get the mail

  • walk around the block

  • if you’re at work, go make copies or brush your teeth

  • knit

  • watch a funny baby goat video

  • write that note you’ve been meaning to write

  • call that friend you’ve been meaning to call

  • breathe relaxingly through two favorite songs

  • play a game of solitaire

  • straighten the junk drawer

  • use your meditation app for 5 minutes

I know it’s tempting to write this off, but…

 This little hack can save you 1000’s of extra calories and a whole lot of regret.

 Now, after 5 minutes, tune in.

 Did the emotion ease a little?  A lot?

 Most of the time, ANY interruption will break the spell.

 2 Reasons This Is So Powerful:              (there are more than 2)


Think of your brain as having an upstairs and a downstairs with a door between the two.

Your upstairs brain is great at organizing your Daytimer, getting you to work, and reminding you to brush your teeth. But when you’re in Fight, Flight or Freeze Mode, it’s pretty much offline.

Your downstairs brain (amygdala) is great at getting you away from an angry tiger real fast. But when it comes to navigating emotions, it tends to talk you into stuff you’ll regret.

When you feel intense emotions, the “door” between your upstairs and downstairs brain slams shut. And your downstairs brain is temporarily in charge. Kind of like having a toddler at the wheel.

When you give yourself a 5-minute timeout, that door can re-open and you can get back in your right mind.


For most of us, eating to soothe uncomfortable feelings is a well-rehearsed pattern. It’s the automatic choice.

If we don’t change things, and we stay in the vicinity of the food, AND our emotions are left unchecked or unaltered, We. Are. Going. To. Eat.

Doing otherwise is like trying to drive a new nail in the wall right next to an old nail hole. The new nail goes in the old hole every time.

However, when we dare to do just one small thing differently, the whole pattern is interrupted.

 AND. Here’s the cool thing.

We often discover that the drive to eat is not nearly as irresistible as we thought.

 The truth is, our brains are actually quite distractible.

 We just have to be ready to TAKE 5.



 Right now, while you’re feeling OK, pick your distractions.

 Pick 2 or 3 for home, and 2 or 3 for work, school, etc. Have them ready when you need them.

 When you’re in the heat of the moment you probably won’t be able to think about distractions. So pick them now.



 Be ready for some push back.

 Know up front that you will not want to TAKE 5. You will want to eat.

Your Downstairs Brain will pitch a royal fit for that sweet hit of dopamine it’s used to receiving. And that’s ok.


Because this time, you’ll be ready.

 You can TAKE 5 minutes.   You can go distract yourself.  


Of course, this is gonna feel weird and clunky at first. That’s normal.

 But once you begin to practice interrupting the old emotional eating pattern, it’s an incredible feeling.

 We have so much power – all we have to do is engage it!

*Thanks to Henley Design Studio for the adorable baby!

Cindy Landham