Weight Loss - An Honest Look


Weight loss.

For most of us, the very thought of it stirs both anxiety and longing.

Few things are more misrepresented, over-promised and down-right lied about.

We’re told what we want to hear (so we’ll buy) instead of what we really need to know.

Let’s take a clear-eyed, pragmatic look...


  • To lose weight quickly

  • To endure an eating plan until the weight is lost, and then, go back to “normal”

  • For the weight we’ve lost to never return

Yes, please!!!!

However, after decades of unsuccessful dieting (and the resulting harm it’s caused) and years of research, we are more informed.


  • Most of us want to be thinner than our bodies want to be.

  • Weight quickly lost is gained back just as quickly.

  • Extreme approaches never work long-term. They are not sustainable.

  • If we don’t examine and heal our relationship with food, we will continue to struggle, not matter how much weight we lose.

Well dang.

Is there any hope?

Yes there is.


Weight released* slowly, over time, can stay gone IF & WHEN you’ve allowed yourself to explore, discover, and adopt a livable lifestyle supportive of your (realistic) goals and respectful of your biology.

A reasonable, enjoyable lifestyle is the only option we know of that will last.

You will not keep doing what you do not enjoy.

I admit, “reasonable” doesn’t sound as exciting as “quick.”


If you lose weight in a way that you, your body, or your mind cannot live with long-term, you are wasting your valuable time, money and effort.

I know this may sound harsh - but we’ve heard enough empty promises. We’ve had enough disappointment. We’ve wasted enough time and money and effort.

Do we really want to settle for anything less than a lasting solution?

I see the peace and the freedom this liberating journey brings to those who are willing to take it. To those who decide to give their wellness the time and care it deserves. To those who are willing to let their bodies have a say in what a comfortable weight might be for them.

I’m not gonna lie - it’s not quick.

But it is life-changing.

And it is rich.

And it is meaningful.

It will require reconnecting with your very wise body, being willing to find out what works for you, throwing out what doesn’t, and staying supported by others along the way.

This is a personal pilgrimage of change that will require your whole heart.

Those who take it are never the same.

It will allow you to stop obsessing over food so you can put all that precious life-energy toward the people and things you love.

And this is exactly what the journey of liberated eating is all about:

  • laying down our tired old diet weapons

  • going on an adventure with friends

  • healing our wounds

  • and mining out a lifestyle that will work beautifully for life

And here’s something cool.

It turns out that no two liberating lifestyles are alike…

Some of us will find out we love to dance.

Some of us will be surprised how much we enjoy cooking at home.

Some of us will end up living sugar-free and surprisingly happy about it.

Some of us will savor a little sweet treat every day.

And all of us end up finding out that we are much stronger and more alive than we ever imagined!

*In our Liberated Eating Community, we use the term “weight release” because when we lose something we almost always find it again. When we release something, we don’t expect it to return. It is no longer ours.