How to Enjoy Holiday Food Like the Sane Person You Are – Part 1

The Holiday Season is here with all its excitement, goodness, stress and FOOD FOOD FOOD! [And probably with a little extra unsettledness thrown in, after the craziness of the past 22 months.]

So, over the next weeks, we’ll be looking at some practical ways to enjoy holiday treats and feasts without being sabotaged.

My goal is to help you experience what this new liberated eater said last year after Christmas:

“I can't remember the last time I enjoyed this time of year so much and it was mainly because I was ok with all the food everywhere!

I ate exactly what I wanted but it didn’t call my name. The crazy thing is my weight has stayed steady and it has seemed effortless.  

I have had a few times when I’ve eaten too much, but I find that I just don't want to overeat like I used to.

This WORKS !!”

Indeed it does!

So, let’s look at our first Holiday Help.

It’s a biggie.

If this is the only skill you adopt, it’ll transform your eating experiences from the inside out.

But first, we need to understand something important about the Science of TASTE SATISFACTION.

This is important because…

When our satisfaction is HIGH, we eat less and enjoy it a whole lot more.

 The Science of Taste teaches us that…

Relaxed Breathing & Chewing Gives You the Highest Taste Satisfaction.

 This is because your throat, nose and mouth are connected in such a way that, as you breathe and chew, molecules of food can circulate and do their magic!

If you’re into research, you’ll enjoy this article on the complex play of passages, breath and molecules that goes on inside your head.


 The big takeaway is this:

 To get the MOST enjoyment from your food, eat slowly and breathe evenly as you eat.

 Lets’ repeat that.

 For maximum pleasure, eat slowly. And breathe evenly as you do. Your breathe carries the flavor.


Now. How can we leverage this understanding to our greatest advantage over the holidays?

 Once you’ve chosen what you’re going to eat (give yourself permission to be picky) then…


This will, by far, bring you the greatest satisfaction from each bite!

NOTE: Scarfing doesn’t deliver. If we rush through, we cannot feel satisfied.

When we’re not satisfied, we keep eating, looking for that illusive sense of “done” and often end up feeling overly full and regretful. Again.

 TRY THIS: Take a few relaxing breaths before your first bite to help you “arrive.” Then identify and eat that most-delicious “best bite” with JOY.


 We can choose this deep satisfaction and naturally eat less - without feeling deprived.

Here’s the thing.

Many people believe they have only 2 choices, and neither one feels good:

  1. I can eat what I want but weigh more than I want, or

  2. I can weigh what I want but have to give up the foods I enjoy.

No wonder they feel sad and defeated and can’t be satisfied with either “reality” for long. That kind of either/or thinking is born from the old diet mindset and is not true.

Here’s some good news.

There is a third choice.

Liberated eating is both/and.

You can both enjoy the foods you love

and the energy and comfortable weight you love.

This is not just for a lucky few.

This freedom is absolutely possible for anyone who’s willing to slow down a bit and take the journey.


Cindy Landham