Enjoy Holiday Food Like the Sane Person You Are – Part 2

Let’s take another look at how we can enjoy this food-filled Thanksgiving holiday in a way that feels GOOD – during and after.

In Part 1 we looked at the science behind how and why chewing and breathing in a relaxed way while eating gives us the MOST enjoyment and taste. Chewing well releases those yummy molecules of food, and our breath carries them where they need to go to pack the most delicious punch!

Scarfing doesn’t deliver. If we rush through, we miss most of the satisfaction.

We intuitively know this - but it can still be hard to slow ourselves down, for so many reasons.

That’s where the science comes in.

Seeing a little scientific proof can help us remember.

It takes this food-thing out of the Big Hairy Deal category and helps us calm down and see it unemotionally.

So let’s take another scientific step and look at what we know about our amazing human brain.  

Fact:  Our Brain Craves Novelty.

Click here for an article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/health-and-human-nature/202105/how-love-novelty-gets-in-the-way-our-health

Our brains – and our taste buds - love new stuff!

This’s why it’s so hard to stop scrolling on my phone even when I desperately want to. My brain gets a little dopamine hit from the next new thing.

And this is one big reason our holiday feasts are so hard to walk away from without a belly ache.

There’s just SO MUCH variety to choose from.

Even people who don’t struggle with food often eat past “full” at big holiday feasts. No biggie.

The enriching question for those of us who HAVE struggled with food is…

How can I enjoy all this food with joy and freedom?

None of us want that old eating-out-of-control compulsion to steal any more joy from any more holidays.

 So. No more guilt. No more obsession. We are taking back stolen ground.


Here’s a strategy that helps us freely and sanely enjoy each bite to the fullest because it helps us take full advantage of our SATISFACTION TIPPING POINT.

When it comes to flavor satisfaction, there is a tipping point after which the most tasty-taste is over until next time. This is because after a few bits the intensity of taste diminishes. Our taste buds adapt to that flavor. (More on this science next time.)

Between our tipping point AND our love of novelty, this HOLIDAY HELP is a strong one…

HOLIDAY HELP #2:    With Rich Foods, Pause for a Check-In After 3-4 Bites:

Thoroughly savor 3 or 4 bites (you decide how many) of particularly rich foods such as Aunt Sue’s fudge pie.

Enjoy each amazing bite as the treasure it is.


Then, after a few bites, sit back, take a grateful breath and do a little check-in.

NOT, NOT, NOT because you are restricting yourself.

This is to make sure you get the most pleasure from this eating experience. A check-in allows us to notice our tipping point. And to notice when the novelty of that particular serving of dessert has worn off.

This check-in gives us time to do some self-coaching:

  • I’ve enjoyed this to the MAX. Now…

  • Is another bite of this going to add to my JOY, or take from it?

  • Since my taste enjoyment is diminishing, do I want to eat more of this right now?

  • Can I have more later?

There is no restriction here.

This pause allows us to stand in our autonomy and dignity, and to make our own informed choice.


Here’s the thing for me now, after too many years of dieting and food-obsession hi-jacking my holidays…




 This check-in is a liberating speed bump.

It gives me time to pause, check my Satisfaction Meter, and make the best decision for myself.

Is another bite of this going to add to my JOY, or take from it?

 You get to decide.


Have a happy, liberated Thanksgiving, my friend.

I am grateful for YOU.

  • How to Help The Kids You Love Have Healthy relationship With Food?

    If this interests you, I’m leading a 1 hour mini-workshop on the 2 Things that can give us the confidence we need to pull this off for our kiddos, and ourselves.

    We’ll also learn 13 statements that will HELP our kids live well with food, and 13 things we need to avoid saying (even though we might’ve heard them growing up).

    This is going to be a practical, actionable training - and ENCOURAGING TOO!

    CLICK HERE FOR MORE: https://www.theliberatedeaterschool.com/offers/jAFzambM


Cindy Landham